However, a supplier business role can be complex one since retailers and manufacturer require a certain level of quality, which would enable suppliers to encash an excessive amount of goods. Due to this concept suppliers must be flexible and be ready to improve business relationships. Other key elements of a supplier’s role include:
- Compliance with applicable local standards and laws: Suppliers should comply with all relevant laws and standards, including human rights protection and child labor.
- Equitable transactions from all retailers: Suppliers must provide all retailers equal opportunities to do the business. A retailer should not be rejected due to their location, or any other reason.
- Best potential offer: Suppliers must guarantee the best price and quality to retailers to maintain trust among them. This strategy will help to ensure consistent business in the future.
- Conflict of interest policy for suppliers: Suppliers should not do the business with customers they may have a conflict of interest with. This would include family members, friends and new or old colleagues. This policy is applied to decrease a chance of unfair treatment among other customers.